List of medical contraindications for obtaining the services of a fitness club and thermal complex

In the event of a visit to the Club/Thermal Complex, the Client declares and guarantees that it has no medical contraindications for attending training, sports, including no diseases listed below, as well as other diseases that impede sports and fitness services. This also applies to the Client's minor child using the Services.

1. Acute infectious diseases.

2. All diseases in the acute (active) phase.

3. Chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation (decompensation).

4. Mental illness.

Neuropsychiatric diseases. Central and peripheral nervous system injuries.

Persons who have suffered a closed injury to the brain and spinal cord, with an instrumentally confirmed absence of signs of damage to the central nervous system, can be admitted to sports no earlier than 12 (twelve) months after complete cure (traumatic sports are not recommended).

5. Organic diseases of the central nervous system.

6. Malignancies. Benign neoplasms - until complete cure.

7. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: deforming polyarthritis (arthritis), spondyloarthritis (of different etiology with a progressive course and a sharp violation of joint function and the presence of pain syndrome).

8. Collagen diseases.

9. Respiratory diseases:

Diseases occurring with respiratory or pulmonary heart failure over the 1st degree.

Bronchial asthma with frequent, prolonged, difficult to stop attacks.

Chronic bronchitis with a tendency to frequent exacerbations and the presence of a pronounced bronchospastic component.

Bronchiectatic disease to complete clinical cure.

Interstitial pneumonia with relapsing course.

10. Cardiovascular diseases:

Heart aortic aneurysm.

Arrhythmias (complex rhythm and conduction disorders, monotonous extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia).

Blockade of the left leg of the bundle of Gis or its branches; diseases with circulatory insufficiency above grade I (according to Strazhesko-Vasilenko); tension angina with frequent attacks.

Post-infarction cardiosclerosis (resolved on a case-by-case basis); presence of myocardial scar changes on the ECG (in the absence of a history of myocardial infarction and complaints at the time of examination) with distinct ECG signs of severe circulatory failure of the heart muscle.

Hypertension with frequent crises as well as with systolic blood pressure figures above 200 mm Hg or diastolic above 110 mm Hg

Hypertension (primary or secondary) or systolic blood pressure figures below 90 mm Hg

Patients operated on congenital, acquired heart defects, coronary insufficiency - earlier than 3 (three) months after the operation (in the future, an individual approach depending on the outcome of the operation, existing complications, conditions of cardio- and general hemodynamics, as well as previous motor activity).

Morgagni-Edems-Stokes syndrome.

11. Digestive diseases:

Stomach operated on during decompensation of digestive function.

Chronic pancreatitis with recurrent course in the presence of enzymatic insufficiency.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach (duodenum) with a tendency to frequent relapses or with significant impairment of digestive function and nutritional disorders or severe pain syndrome.

12. Liver and biliary diseases:

Cirrhosis of the liver (of any etiology), relapsing with a progressive course or signs of liver failure.

Chronic hepatitis (hepatodistraphy - "hepatoses"), relapsing with severe functional disorders.

Chronic cholecystitis of calculous etiology, accompanied by attacks of hepatic colic or recurrent jaundice.

Chronic antiocholitis with attacks of hepatic colic and impaired biliary secretion.

Secondary chronic pancolitis due to impaired pancreatic externosecretory function.

13. Kidney diseases in the urinary tract:

Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis of recurrent course or in the presence of signs of renal failure.

Chronic interstitial nephritis of various origins in the presence of signs of renal failure.

Chronic pyelonephritis with a recurrent course, the presence of severe functional disorders or complications (hydropionephritis, hypertensive perepropathy).

Lipid-amyloid nephrosis.

14. Endocrine gland diseases:

Hypoglycemic disease.

Severe hypotheriosis, myxedema (primary or secondary)

Diabetes is insipidus.

Diabetes mellitus (primary or secondary) of the middle and severe course or in the presence of complications (ketoacidosis, vascular lesions, polyneuritis, etc.).

Diffuse toxic goiter (thyrotoxicosis of basedine disease) is a severe form; endemic goiter with pronounced hyper- or hypofunction of the gland.

Chronic thyroiditis.

15. Metabolic diseases:

Obesity of secondary genesis (diancephalic, ipothyroidal, hypogenital, with Itsenko-Kupshig syndrome).

Gout with a progressive course or severe pain syndrome.

16. Pathological menopause.

17. Injuries and diseases of ENT organs.

Persons who have temporary functional disorders after exacerbation of chronic diseases of ENT organs, their injuries and surgical treatment are allowed to play sports after complete cure.

18. Eye injuries and diseases.

19. Contraindications to the use of load tests:

Absolute contraindications:

Circulatory insufficiency is higher than 11-L.

Myocardial infarction (earlier than 3 (Three) months from the onset of the disease).

Rapidly progressive or unstable thoracic toad.

Grade II-III hypertension in systolic BP above 200 mmHg. art., diastolic - above 120 mm Hg. Art.

Ventricular tachycardia.

Pronounced aortic stenosis.

Active or recently transferred thrombophlebitis.

Acute and chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation.

Features of physical development:

A pronounced lag in physical development, preventing the implementation of exercises and standards provided for by educational programs; sharp imbalance between limb and trunk length.

All types of upper limb deformations that exclude or make it difficult to perform various sports exercises.

Severe deformity of the chest, impeding the functioning of the chest organs.

Pronounced pelvic deformity affecting body statics or disrupting walking biomechanics.

Shortening of one lower limb by more than 3 (Three) cm, even with a full gait; pronounced curvature of the legs inward (X-shaped curvature) or outward (O-shaped curvature) when the distance between the internal condyles of the femur or internal ankles of the tibia is over 12 (Twelve) cm.

Relative contraindications:

Frequent supraventricular extrasystoles (4:40), atrial fibrillation.

Recurrent or frequent ventricular; ectopic activity.

Pulmonary hypertension.

Ventricular heart aneurysm.

Moderate aortic stenosis.

Uncontrolled metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, myxedema).

Significant cardiac enlargement.

20. Conditions requiring special attention and precaution:

Conduction disturbance:

Complete atrioventricular block.

Blockade of the left leg of the bundle of Gis.

Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome.

Presence of an implanted heart rhythm driver with a fixed frequency.

Controlled dysarrhythmias.

Electrolyte imbalance.

Use of certain drugs:

Preparations of thimble.

Blockers of adrenergic betreceptors and drugs of this action.

Severe hypertension, grade III retinopathy.

Thoracic toad and other manifestations of coronary insufficiency.

Severe anemia.

Severe obesity.

Renal, hepatic and other types of metabolic failure.

Overt psychoneurotic disorders.

Neuromuscular, musculoskeletal and articular disorders that will interfere with the test.

Additional contraindications to visiting the Thermal Complex:

Individual intolerance.

Allergic reactions to formulations.

Inflammatory processes of infectious and non-infectious nature in the acute stage.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Varicose veins.

Blood diseases.

Pregnancy and lactation period, period of menstruation.

Elevated body temperature.

Hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Malignant and benign tumors.

Skin damage.

Glaucoma in a state of progression.

Postoperative period.

Diabetes mellitus.

Bronchial asthma.

Not recommended for hormonal disorders.

Additional contraindications to fitness activities:

Scoliosis, complicated by lower flaccid paraparesis, requiring wearing a special corset to unload the spine.

Grade III flat feet.

Joint ligament disorder.

Some benign tumors of the bone system.

Uncompensated spinal damage.

Different types of fractures and post-traumatic conditions.

Mental disorders and borderline states of the psyche.

Knee ligament disorder (unstable joint).

Bekhterev's disease.

Complicated spinal fracture with spinal cord injury.

Epilepsy with convulsive seizures, accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Severe and frequent dizziness.

Mental illness of varying severity.

Severe diseases of the internal organs, preventing the prescription of physical activity of the dance type (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, tumors, etc.).

The presence of cancer.

Tuberculosis of bones and joints.

A number of benign bone system tumors (e.g. fibrous dysplasia) that contribute to the development of pathological bone fractures.

After suffering traumatic brain injuries and a heart attack only with the permission of the attending physician.

Contraindications to aerobics:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

High blood pressure (when the load increases, there is a significant increase in BP numbers).

Advanced osteochondrosis (degenerative changes in the spine, including protrusions and hernias of the intervertebral disc).

Varicose veins (this diagnosis means categorical "no" for jumping and steppe aerobics).

Dance lessons are prohibited:

With exacerbation of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

In any diseases of the liver and pancreas.

In uncompensated kidney disease.

With herniation of the intervertebral disc.

Contraindications to strength exercises:

Varicose veins (sitting-lying exercises can be performed at the initial stage of the disease).

Neurocirculatory (vegetative vascular) dystonia (with such a diagnosis, a person cannot be in a state of inclination for a long time - dizziness may begin).

Severe forms of bronchitis and asthma.

High degree of myopia (consultation with an ophthalmologist is required).

During pregnancy:

During the entire period of pregnancy, it is advisable to perform all exercises while sitting, with additional support of the back, or in a kneeling position with an emphasis on the hands. Always monitor your breathing while exercising, do not delay it; avoid performing exercises in the lying and standing position; monitor the body temperature and heart rate, limit the duration of training to a maximum of 30 (thirty) minutes, in the second and third trimester - 15 (fifteen) minutes; avoid dehydration and drink while exercising.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, exercise in the lying position on the back is prohibited. It is recommended to perform all exercises in the position of the knee stand with an emphasis on the hands.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the weakness of the ligament apparatus and very carefully perform stretching in connection with the production of the hormone relaxin.

Completely forbidden during pregnancy:

All traumatic elements - jumping, running, weaving (including in swimming).

Deep and sharp squats.


Active stretch marks and back deflections.

Various twists and slopes that can lead the uterus to a hypertonic state.

This list is open, if the Client is aware of other diseases that prevent (restrict) sports, the Client is obliged to stop classes, otherwise the Client is independently responsible for its health while continuing to use the Services. The Contractor shall not be responsible for the life and health of the Client using the Services in the presence of diseases, including those specified in this list. This also applies to the Client's minor child using the Services

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At the moment, it is possible to purchase a ticket only at the box office of the Thermal complex at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 35, building 2.

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