COMPLEX RULES | Океанис Thermal & Spa

1. General provisions

1.1. The rules were developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights," the Rules of Consumer Services in the Russian Federation, the State Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52025-2003 "Sports and Recreation Services. Consumer Safety Requirements "and other applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The Rules shall be binding on Customers, Guests and third parties. Failure to comply with the Rules makes it impossible to provide the Services and may lead to a suspension of their provision. Any employee of the Club may notify of the need to eliminate the violation of the Rules orally in person or by phone. In case of non-elimination of violations of the Rules by the Client, the Contractor reserves the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally; the calculation of funds subject to return is established by the Agreement.

1.3. None of the terms of the Rules shall be binding on the Contractor for any of the following reasons:

If execution is impossible due to the fault of third parties (lessor, servicing (managing) organization, resource supplying organization, others).

Due to regulatory requirements for the provision of services and/or by state/municipal bodies, mandatory for the provision of Services.

1.4. Power supply, water supply, water disposal), heat supply are not significant conditions for the provision of Services and their presence (absence) in the Club is not determined by the Club and does not depend on the will of the Club.

1.5. The Contractor shall provide Additional Services and Related Services only if it is possible to provide them. The possibility of providing Additional and Related Services is determined by the availability of appropriate operable equipment (premises) in the Club and is determined at the discretion of the Contractor. The cost of the Additional and Related Services is not included in the cost of the Basic Service.

1.6. Visiting the Club by persons with disabilities is allowed subject to the following conditions:

1.6.1. A person with disabilities has a Contract to receive the Services.

1.6.2. Stay on the Club territory only accompanied by a person responsible for the safety of a person with disabilities in the Club under the Escort Agreement.

1.6.3. Lack of special conditions for visiting the Club by a person with disabilities. The Contractor reserves the right to refuse to visit if it is impossible to fulfill the wishes of a person with disabilities.

1.7. In addition to the specific requirements of safety rules when staying in the Club, Customers are always obliged to comply with safety rules for public places and places with a large crowd of people, fire and anti-terrorist safety, as well as generally accepted rules of conduct.

1.8. Before entering into the Agreement, the Client has the right to familiarize itself with the Club. A tour of the Club is conducted by the Club Manager during the Sales Department opening hours.

1.9. If the Client to whom the Services are to be provided under the Agreement has not requested the relevant performance under the Agreement from the Contractor, the services shall be deemed to be provided in the proper quality and scope (that is, regardless of the Client's actual visit to the Club).

1.10. The validity period of any contract with the Client, the period of provision of services, the cost and procedure for payment for services shall be indicated at execution. The term of the Contract, as well as the period of provision of services may be reduced in case of incomplete payment by the Client of Basic and/or Additional Services for the appropriate number of days and/or number of visits. Services are provided at the address of the Club's actual location.

1.11. When concluding an Agreement with a limited number of visits, the date of termination of the Agreement shall be considered either the date specified in the Agreement or the day of the last visit, whichever occurs earlier.

1.12. The Client shall pay for any Basic and/or Additional Services consumed by it, which are not included in the contract value with the Client, at the price specified in the Price List.

1.13. In case of change of mobile phone number and/or e-mail address, the Client/other Acceptor shall immediately verbally and not later than three (3) days from the date of such change in writing by submitting an application to the Sales Department or through the Personal Account provide a new mobile phone number and/or e-mail address.

1.14. If the Contractor has doubts about the reliability and accuracy of data previously received from the Client/other acceptor, the Client/other acceptor shall provide evidence (information, documents) confirming the validity of such data within seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the notification from the Contractor.

1.15. The Client/other Acceptor agrees to receive notification and advertising messages not related to the performance of the Contract with the Contractor, the provision of the Services to the mobile phone number and e-mail address specified by the Client/other Acceptor. The Client/other acceptor has the right to withdraw this consent through the Personal Account and refuse to receive messages.

1.16. If the Club closes for repair or repair and restoration works in full, the Client shall be entitled to obtain an extension of the valid contract for the period of repair or repair and restoration works in the Club. The Contractor shall not be responsible for the Client's non-use of the proposed option.

2. Working hours

2.1. The operating mode of the Club/Thermal Complex is indicated on the information stand in the Club, according to the description of the Club on the Website, and is communicated to the Client upon conclusion of the Agreement.

2.2. The Contractor has the right to independently establish the Operating Mode of the Club/Thermal Complex and reserves the right to change it unilaterally. The Contractor has the right to independently determine on which non-working holidays from the list of non-working holidays established by law the Club/Thermal Complex does not operate.

2.3. Working hours

2.3.1. The operating mode of the Club:

6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday

from 8:00 to 22:00 on Saturday, Sunday and non-working holidays

Holiday: January 1 (First) of each year.

Sanitary day: 1 (First) day of each month.

2.3.2. Working hours of Thermal complex:

10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Holiday: January 1 (First) of each year.

Sanitary day: 1 (First) day of each month.

2.3.3. Sales Department working hours:

from 10:00 to 22:00 from Monday to Friday

from 10:00 to 21:00 on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

2.4. Visitors' access to the Club is closed 30 (Thirty) minutes before the Club is closed.

2.5. The water pool operates according to the Club's schedule, finishing its work 15 minutes before the closing of the Club, that is, at 22:45 on weekdays and at 21:45 on weekends and holidays.

2.6. Saunas operate on the Club's schedule, finishing their work 20 minutes before the Club, that is, at 22:40 on weekdays and at 21:40 on weekends.

2.7. The Contractor has the right to close all or certain areas of the Club for preventive, repair and restoration or emergency works and measures.

2.8. The Contractor has the right to restrict access to equipment that has failed and requires replacement or repair work. No freeze shall be granted if the Club area is closed for less than Thirty-six (36) hours.

2.9. The Client undertakes to:

not come to the Club before the time established by the Rules for starting the Club.

Leave the Club no later than the time established by the Rules for the end of the Club's work.

3. Stay at the Young Visitors Club

3.1. If there is a children's room in the Club, the Client is provided with the opportunity, as a Companion/Additional Service, to stay in the Client's child during the Client's stay in the Club.

3.2. The Client's child aged 3 (Three) to 14 (Fourteen) years may be in the children's room provided that the legal representative of the child is the Client and is engaged in the Club at that time:

for 2 (Two) hours per day free of charge and another 2 (Two) hours on the terms of additional payment according to the Price List.

3.3. Children under the age of 3 (three) years cannot be in a children's room.

3.4. Working hours of the children's room:

11:00 to 21:00 Monday to Friday

11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday.

3.5. The Club reserves the right, without prior notice, to suspend or terminate the provision of the Companion/Supplementary Nursery Service.

4. Access to the club

4.1. The Club performs identification of the Client's identity through the Bracelet and photo image tied to the Bracelet. The provision of the Bracelet is included in the price of the Club Card. The bracelet is the property of the Client.

4.2. The Client shall have the Bracelet during each visit to the Club.

4.3. If identification by the Face ID System is not possible, the Client shall provide the main identification document.

4.4. In case of written withdrawal of the Client's consent to processing biometric personal data, the Client shall present the main document certifying the Client's identity to the Contractor's employee at each visit to the Club for further access to the Club.

4.5. The Contractor reserves the right to refuse entry to the Client, whose identity identification is impossible or difficult.

4.6. Access to the Club by the Client is carried out exclusively through the use of the Bracelet by passing through the turnstile located in the entrance zone of the Club. Crossing or other passage (without using the Bracelet) through the turnstile or service gate located next to the turnstile is strictly prohibited.

4.7. If the Client does not carry the Bracelet, the guest Bracelet, which is the property of the Club and which is valid during the day of its issuance, is issued for temporary use on the basis of the main identification document. In case of a second visit to the Club without the Bracelet, the Club has the right to restrict the issuance of the guest Bracelet for temporary use. In this case, the Client either returns to present the Bracelet forgotten by him or issues a new Bracelet for a fee (in this case, the forgotten/lost Bracelet is canceled).

4.8. The guest receives the guest bracelet after completing the registration procedure.

4.9. The Client/Guest is obliged to return the Guest Bracelet to the Club on the day of its use.

4.10. The bracelet (as well as the guest bracelet) and other locking/opening devices from lockers, safes, etc. cannot be transferred by the Client/Guest to third parties, cannot be used by third parties.

4.11. The Client/Guest shall immediately report the loss of the Bracelet (Guest Bracelet), as well as other locking/opening device from lockers, safes, etc. to the Club reception. All services consumed under the Bracelet before the moment the Contractor records the loss message shall be recognized as consumed by the Client personally and shall be paid by the Client.

4.12. If the Bracelet is found, it must be returned to Sales.

4.13. If the Bracelet is lost or damaged, a new Bracelet shall be issued to the Customer for a fee.

4.14. The start of the Client's visit to the Club shall be recorded every time the Client applies the Bracelet to the turnstile operating at the entrance to the Club.

4.15. Fixing the Client's exit from the Club is a mandatory procedure and in its absence the Contractor shall have the right to receive payment for additional time of the Client's stay in the Club. Upon completion of the visit to the Club, the Client shall independently record the exit and the end of the visit to the Club by attaching the Bracelet to the turnstile operating to exit the Club.

5. Accommodation of things

5.1. If there is a working wardrobe, the Client is obliged to hand over the outerwear to the wardrobe and receive a number token.

5.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the safety of the contents of the pockets of outerwear handed over to the wardrobe.

5.3. The Contractor shall not be responsible for the Client's items not handed over to the wardrobe and/or left freely available.

5.4. In case of loss/damage of the license plate, the Client shall reimburse the Contractor for its cost in the amount specified in the Price List.

5.5. The Client shall immediately notify the Contractor of the loss of the license plate. Until the Contractor is notified of the fact that the Customer has lost the license plate, the Client shall have the risk of another person receiving the items and shoes left for storage.

5.6. The client is obliged to leave valuables (mobile devices, keys, bank cards, jewelry, watches, etc.), money and other currency values ​ ​ in individual safe deposit boxes located near the turnstile area/reception of the Club.

5.7. The Contractor shall not be responsible for valuables not deposited in safe boxes.

5.8. The Client shall immediately notify the Contractor of the loss of the key from the safe deposit box. Until the Contractor is notified of the fact that the Client has lost the key from the safe deposit box, the risk of receipt of valuables, money and currency values left for storage by another person lies with the Client.

5.9. For the period of visiting the Club, the Client shall receive the right to temporarily use one individual free locker in the Club's locker room (without the sign "RENT") intended for storing personal belongings. The locker in the Club's dressing room is not designed to hold valuables, money and currency values.

5.10. After placing personal belongings in the locker, the Client shall lock it and make sure that the locker is closed. The key for the electronic lock locker is the Bracelet.

5.11. When leaving the Club, the Client is obliged to free the locker with an electronic lock from personal belongings, keep the closet open. If an open box of items is found, in order to avoid theft, the Administration has the right to close this locker. The duty officer of the Club will draw up an act indicating the things in the locker.

5.12. When paying for the rental of the locker for a certain, predetermined period, the Client is obliged to pick up his belongings on the last day of the lease. In case of failure to release the locker within the specified period, the Client shall pay the rent accrued before the moment of the locker release by the Client.

5.13. Transfer of the right to use the locker to third parties is not allowed.

5.14. In case of discovery of items forgotten by the Client in the locker room and/or in open cabinets, the Club shall have the right to withdraw them and keep them for safekeeping.

5.15. If the Administration finds a closed locker at the end of the day, provided that the lease of this locker is not declared, such a locker is opened by the Administration at the end of the day and the things found in it are seized for safekeeping.

5.16. Items forgotten by the Client, if they were found on the Club's territory, shall be stored for 14 (fourteen) days from the date of their discovery and shall be subsequently disposed of.

5.17. Исполнитель не несёт ответственности за сохранность утерянных/оставленных без присмотра вещей.

5.18. Forgotten personal care items, including washcloths, razors, underwear, etc. are subject to immediate disposal.

5.19. Any lost/unattended items shall be immediately reported to the Club's reception.

5.20. Towels and bathrobes issued to the Client at the Club reception are the property of the Club and are intended solely for face and body wiping. Towels and bathrobes shall be returned by the Client to reception upon leaving the Club. The theft of towels or gowns is an unlawful act for which appropriate liability is provided. Identification of the fact of theft of the Club's towel or dressing gown may be the grounds for termination of the Contract with the Client. It is forbidden to use towels as a mat for cleaning shoes, outerwear, bags, etc. In case of violation of the rules for using the towel and/or bathrobe, the Client is obliged to pay the cost of the bathrobe and/or towel according to the Price List. The towel or dressing gown left in the locker room may be removed by the cleaning service without the Client's knowledge.

6. Payment for services

6.1. Only the Client has the right to consume services in the Club under an agreement with the Client.

6.2. If the Bracelet is used for the consumption of services in the Club by a third party, the Contractor may interpret the use of the Bracelet by a third party as the Client's will to purchase a one-time visit to the Club for such third party. In such case, the Client shall pay the cost of the visit to the Club for such third party, as well as all other services consumed by such person.

6.3. All information about the Additional Services received by the Client shall be recorded at the moment of application of the Bracelet by the Client to the reader at the moment of receipt of the service or shall be established by the fact that the Client receives the Additional Service.

6.4. The Contractor shall provide the Services to the Client in accordance with the terms of the Agreement only to the extent and during the hours stipulated by the relevant Club Card. The Client shall independently control and observe the volume and hours of visits to the Club provided for by its Club Card and prevent their violation.

6.5. In case of indebtedness for Additional Services the Client shall repay it within 3 (Three) days, otherwise the Contractor shall be entitled to:

Prevent the Client from entering the Club until this debt is repaid.

Deduct in a non-acceptance order the amount of debt from the amounts paid under the Contract and not spent at the time of deduction.

Revise the validity period of the Club card by recalculating its value.

The Contractor shall have the right to unilaterally revise the terms of debt repayment by the Client.

6.6. Prior to the start of the next visit to the Club, the Client shall pay for additional stay in the Club that is outside the established Club Operating Conditions and/or is not included in the Contract price. The cost of additional time in the Club is indicated in the Price List (rounding of the actual time in the direction of increase). The cost of additional stay time shall automatically begin to be calculated from the moment when the Client's stay in the Club exceeds the time frame of the visiting mode established by the Contract/Package of Services or beyond the Club's Operating Mode. The accrual of the value of the additional stay time ends at the moment of fixing the Client's exit from the Club. The cost of the additional time consumed is automatically recorded as the Client's debt for the Additional service consumed.

7. It is forbidden

7.1. The Client is prohibited from:

7.1.1. Conduct photo and/or video shooting of other Clients and/or Club employees with further publication and use of the obtained images without their consent (Article 151.1. CIVIL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION). In case of violation of this condition by the Client, the Contractor reserves the right to terminate the contract with such Client unilaterally.

7.1.2. Be in a state of alcohol/drug/toxic intoxication, as well as in the presence of residual effects of alcohol intoxication.

7.1.3. Carry and use alcohol-containing drinks, drugs.

7.1.4. Take strong and illegal drugs without the written permission of a doctor.

7.1.5. Smoke and/or use any smoking devices and means that simulate the smoking process (e-cigarettes, hookahs, vaporizers, etc.).

7.1.6. To bring and store dangerous substances and objects on the Club's territory: explosives, blasting agents and objects filled with them, compressed and liquefied gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, toxic substances, radioactive materials, caustic and corrosive substances, poisonous and toxic substances, cold, pneumatic and/or firearms, piercing and cutting objects.

7.1.7. Use obscene language, express judgments, be aggressive against other Clients and/or Club employees, cause property and other damage to the Club and/or third parties, and cause discomfort to other Clients.

7.1.8. Collect and/or distribute by any means personal data and/or information about the privacy of other Clients and/or Club employees.

7.1.9. Perform any actions of an intimate nature.

7.1.10. Provide any services, perform works, sell goods, carry out marketing, consulting, commercial and entrepreneurial activities, advertise goods/services, including by posting any advertising materials, ads, inscriptions.

7.1.11. To use any services provided by other visitors at the Club in connection with the threat of negative consequences for life and health.

7.1.12. Consume food.

7.1.13. Use chewing gum during the training process.

7.1.14. Use glass containers.

7.1.15. Independently turn on and off the sound, television, video equipment, computer equipment of the Contractor, regulate any engineering and technical equipment of the Club.

7.1.16. Being on the territory of the Club with animals.

7.1.17. Enter the territory of office and technical premises without written permission of the Contractor.

7.1.18. Use of music and other equipment for public reproduction of audio and video.

7.1.19. Independently use the Artist's musical and other equipment, including playing any audio or video and other.

8. Safety requirements

8.1. By concluding the Contract, the Client confirms that he or she has no medical contraindications for physical education and sports, and the use of other services of the Contractor. The client fully accepts responsibility for the state of his or her health.

8.2. The Client shall independently monitor the state of its health and inform the Contractor of any changes in its state of health that may affect the safety of consumption of the Services. The client is obliged to undergo regular medical examinations in order to ensure the safety of physical education and sports for his health.

8.3. The Club may request information from the Client about the Client's general state of health, absence of medical contraindications for physical education and sports and consumption of other services of the Club confirming the safety of the Client's consumption of the Club's services.

8.4. The Club shall inform the Clients about risk factors and measures for prevention of injuries and compliance with safety requirements by means of safety briefing by its employees. Information signs and messages on the Club's territory (for example, "Caution, slippery floor") are also ways to inform Clients about risk factors and measures to prevent injuries. The safety briefing shall be conducted by the Club's instructor during training, the on-duty instructor of the Club's gym/water complex, and the group training hall by the fitness consultant when providing its services. Prior to service consumption, the Client shall undergo a safety briefing.

8.5. В случае, если Клиент не воспользовался инструктажем по технике безопасности или предоставленной Клубом подарочной персональной тренировкой вне зависимости от причин неиспользования, Клиент самостоятельно несёт риск нарушения правил техники безопасности и не вправе заявлять, что ему не проводился инструктаж по технике безопасности. Исполнитель не несёт ответственности за любые негативные последствия, вызванные неисполнением Клиентом техники безопасности или нарушением правил пользования оборудованием Клуба.

8.6. In the process of consuming the Club's services, the Client shall comply with safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic requirements and medical requirements in order to ensure the safety of physical education and sports, and the safety of the Contractor's services consumption for his health.

8.7. The Client undertakes to refrain from consuming services and visiting the Club in case of medical contraindications, including the occurrence of acute infectious (including skin) diseases, open wounds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, up to the moment of complete recovery or removal of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

8.8. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage to the life or health of the Client resulting from the failure of the Client to comply with safety requirements.

8.9. In case of deterioration of the Client's health, the Client shall immediately inform the Club employee about it, and in his absence - any person nearby.

8.10. The Client, who became aware of the deterioration of the other Client's health, is advised to immediately call the emergency medical team on their own by calling the unified emergency medical call number, as well as notify any Club employee about it.

8.11. The Client is obliged to familiarize himself with the Safety Instructions posted in a public place on the Club's territory.

9. Service features

9.1. The client is not advised to visit the training areas in the following cases:

even with the slightest malaise due to the threat of negative consequences for his life and health;

on an empty stomach due to the risk of a hypoglycemic reaction of the body.

9.2. An employee of the Club has the right to prevent the Client from entering the training areas if there are grounds to believe that the Client has signs of a disease, as well as if his condition (including mental) may threaten the life and health of other Clients.

9.3. The client is advised to choose the load according to his level of fitness and increase the intensity of trainings gradually. The Client shall be responsible for choosing one or another type of group training.

9.4. The client is not advised to start classes without warming up, warming up muscles and ligaments due to the threat of negative consequences for his life and health.

9.5. The Club Employee has the right to refuse the Client admission to the Group Lesson in case of delay to its beginning due to the Client's missing warm-up part and safety briefing. Upon completion of the Group Session, the Client shall independently remove the equipment used.

9.6. In case of deterioration of the Client's health, it is necessary to inform the instructor of the Club, who conducts a physical education, fitness and recreation event and/or other employee of the Club to ensure the provision of first aid to the needy.

9.7. If the Client's well-being has deteriorated at the moment when there is no Club employee in direct access, it is recommended to contact any person nearby with a request, assist and/or invite a Club employee.

9.8. When participating in the Group Session, the Client shall follow the recommendations and instructions of the Club employee. The client is forbidden to use his own choreography and equipment during participation in the Group session.

9.9. In order to avoid injury, the Client is advised to minimize any conversations during Group Sessions.

9.10. The Club forms the Group Sessions schedule as it sees fit. The Club publishes the schedule of Group Classes by placing on the information stand in the Club and/or on the Website.

9.11. Individual types of Group Classes can be held by appointment. The order and necessity of recording for the lesson is reflected in the schedule.

9.12. The Club reserves the right to replace the employee holding the Group Session stated in the schedule without notifying the Clients. The club reserves the right to make unscheduled changes to the schedule of Group classes.

9.13. Due to the threat of negative consequences for the life and health of both the Client and other Clients, the Client is forbidden to independently provide physical culture, sports and other services on the territory of the Club, including the preparation of training programs and nutrition programs, the provision of consulting and other assistance to other Clients, control and/or participation in the training process of other Clients.

9.14. Due to the threat of negative consequences for the life and health of both the Client and other Clients, the Client is obliged to engage in training and game halls only in clean special sports clothes and clean sports shoes with a closed toe and heel.

9.15. A visit to the water complex of the Club is allowed only in a swimming suit tightly fitting to the body, intended for sports swimming, and preventing the sliding of rubber shoes. The client is obliged to have a special head covering for swimming on his head while in the water complex. The Client shall not use a shower cap, towel, outdoor headgear and other items and devices instead of a special swimming headgear. The client is forbidden to stay and swim in the pool in underwear, in shoes (including specially designed for swimming), in burkini, as well as naked.

9.16. The Client is not allowed to stay in the training areas in outerwear, and in relation to the water complex and showers in outerwear and sports shoes.

9.17. Before starting the exercise, the Client shall ensure that the equipment/simulator used is in the initial safe and/or off state, there are no foreign objects that may affect its safe use, fasteners and additional equipment on the simulator are properly fixed.

9.18. In case of any questions related to the training process, including questions on the use of equipment/simulators, the Client should contact the Club employees.

9.19. The client is forbidden to use simulators, aqua equipment, Club equipment for other purposes. In addition, the use of the equipment of game halls and the water complex is not allowed outside of Group classes or personal training (with the exception of swimming boards, the independent use of which the Clients are allowed). The client is forbidden to move simulators, remove equipment and other property from specially designated areas and premises of the Club.

9.20. The Client is prohibited from abandoning and otherwise carelessly using the equipment (free weights and otherwise) due to the threat of damage to the equipment, interior items and finishing of the Club premises, as well as the risk of harm to the health of the Clients.

9.21. The Client is responsible for the safety and damage of property, equipment and interior items with which he interacts when receiving the services of the Club. The Client shall indemnify the Contractor and/or third parties for any damage caused as a result of the actions/inaction of the Client, including damage caused as a result of non-fulfillment or improper execution of the Rules by the Client.

9.22. The client is forbidden to continue participating in the training process using faulty, damaged or broken equipment and simulators, as well as to independently eliminate malfunctions and breakdowns. In case of breakdown of simulators and equipment, the Client shall inform the Club employee.

9.23. After completion of the exercise, the Client shall remove the equipment and personal items used by him, fix and/or put the used simulator into a safe non-working position, disassemble the rod and return pancakes and dumbbells to their place.

9.24. The client is forbidden to reserve simulators, equipment in training areas, chairs and sun loungers in the water complex, including leaving a towel or personal belongings on them.

9.25. The club may restrict the work of some simulators or gym areas for group or mini-group classes. In this case, the Client, at the request of the trainer, is obliged to vacate the corresponding zone or simulator.

9.26. The Contractor has the right to occupy any premises of the Club, including any equipment/inventory, for individual classes, master classes or competitions. The Client shall vacate the Club's premises or equipment/inventory at the request of the Club's employee.

9.27. The Contractor shall not be responsible for the Client's failure to achieve the desired result (certain physical form, sports result, etc.). Training is physical training.

9.28. The Client shall observe the rules of personal hygiene when visiting the Club. Before visiting the water complex, the Client is obliged to take a shower without clothes and a bathing suit and using detergents.

9.29. The client is not allowed to use ointments, cream, masks, scrubs, oils, tinctures, cosmetic products with a smell, perfumes, hair dye, as well as any other acutely smelling liquids or products that spoil or contaminate equipment, interior items and decoration of the Club premises (honey, coffee, clay, etc.) in training areas and in the water complex.

9.30. Clients on the territory of the Club are prohibited from epilating, shaving, performing other cosmetic procedures.

9.31. Personal training:

9.31.1. Personal training is carried out exclusively by Club employees (instructors).

9.31.2. Personal training is carried out by appointment, carried out no later than a day before it is held. The Client has the right to receive a personal training session without an appointment, if at the time of applying for a personal training session, the Club has a free instructor of the corresponding category. The club reserves the right to replace the instructor with another with a category equal or higher.

9.31.3. Prior to the personal training, the Client shall inform the instructor about its individual features (medical contraindications, peculiarities of physical development and personality, changes in the state of health, etc.), which are necessary to ensure safe and comfortable stay of both the Client and other Clients at the time of the personal training.

9.31.4. Based on the goals and physical training of the Client, the instructor independently determines the training program for the Client, the need to use a particular technique, and decides on the need to use a particular approach during the training.

9.31.5. The Contractor shall not be responsible for the Client's failure to achieve the desired result (certain physical form, sports result, etc.) as a result of personal training. Training is physical training.

9.31.6. The personal training time is 60 (sixty) minutes. If the Client is more than thirty (30) minutes late for personal training, the instructor has the right to cancel the personal training without returning the amount paid for it. If the Client is late for the training, the instructor, at his discretion, can spend it until the end of the booked time, in order to avoid a delay in the start of the next training. In this case, the Client shall not be entitled to make a claim to reduce the training time, since this was due to the fault of the Client himself.

9.31.7. In case of cancellation of personal training, the Client shall call the Club's reception and warn about cancellation no later than four (4) hours, in which case the lesson shall be postponed for another time. Otherwise, the cost of the missed training is deducted from the amount paid for personal training.

9.31.8. In case of unsatisfactory work of a personal trainer, the Client has the right to continue personal training with another personal trainer of the Club.

10. Features of Water Use

10.1. The client must be careful when moving in the zone of the water complex, hold on to the handrails while moving along the stairs leading to the zone of the water complex.

10.2. The Client is obliged to inform the Club employee that he does not know how to swim every time he visits the pool. If the Client does not know how to swim or is undecided on the water, he is obliged to enter the water and be in the pool only using aqua equipment that provides support on the water (swimming boards).

10.3. At the entrance and exit from the pool, the Client shall hold onto the installed handrails, turning face to the steps and handrails, in order to avoid injury.

10.4. The client is forbidden to jump from the side of the pool, hang on separation ropes, block technological holes with body parts.

10.5. In order to avoid hypothermia, the Client is not advised to stay in the water without movement for a long time.

10.6. In order to prevent injuries, the Client is obliged to adhere to the right side of the track in the pool, comply with the rules of circular swimming, maintain a distance and not interfere with other Customers on the track, including on the track allocated for high-speed swimming.

10.7. The client is not allowed to sit down and lie on the wooden shelves of saunas without towels or a special napkin.

10.8. The client should avoid contact with hot surfaces and stones in order to avoid burns.

10.9. In order to prevent fires and fire hazardous situations in saunas, the Client is forbidden to dry things and towels, carry and read printed materials, place in the immediate vicinity or cover with any objects hot surfaces and masons, throw them into a stone or place any objects on it.

10.10. In order to avoid failure of temperature sensors, hot equipment and masons, the Client is forbidden to pour water on them and independently change the humidity and air temperature.

10.11. The Client is forbidden to perform any actions in relation to temperature sensors, including hanging them, mechanical damage, etc.

10.12. The Client is prohibited from watering wooden sauna shelves and flooring.

10.13. The client is forbidden to use bath brooms in the sauna.

10.14. The client is not advised to stay in the sauna for a long time, such a stay causes an increase in body temperature. The Client is obliged to monitor its state of health and to leave these areas in a timely manner in order to avoid overheating and negative consequences for the Client's life and health.

10.15. The Customer is advised not to visit the sauna in the absence of other Customers in order to avoid unforeseen situations and accidents.

10.16. The Customer shall follow the instructions contained in the announcements and nameplates.

10.17. The pool is always open for self-use, with the exception of hours of group programs regulated by the schedule, and can also be closed/limited in access during personal training, mini groups, club events and for technical reasons, which visitors are informed about in advance.

11. Features of the use of solarium

11.1. Before visiting the solarium, the Client is obliged to consult with specialists on his own and check that he has no contraindications to the consumption of this service. The Client is obliged to refrain from visiting the solarium if there are any contraindications and/or if taking drugs and products that can worsen the Client's health during or after visiting the solarium.

11.2. The client independently determines the time spent in the solarium in accordance with the type and condition of his skin and personal features.

11.3. Before the insolation session, the Client should remove makeup, perfumes and balms, since photosensitive agents may be present in cosmetics, which in some cases cause phototoxic reactions comparable to burns.

11.4. The client is advised to use special cosmetics for tanning in the solarium and after the insolation session.

11.5. The client is obliged to protect the eyes with the help of special protective glasses, protect the lips with a special balm with a UV filter, protect the chest with disposable sticks. Do not sunbathe in contact lenses.

11.6. If the Client experiences any unexpected symptoms and/or sensations during the tanning session, the Client shall interrupt the insolation session.

11.7. The time interval between solar sessions must not be less than:

48 (Forty-eight) hours for the first two procedures

Twenty-four (24) hours for all subsequent sessions.

11.8. The client is forbidden to sunbathe in the solarium in case of taking substances that increase the photosensitivity of the skin and can provoke a sun allergy.

11.9. Clients under 18 (eighteen) years old are advised to sunbathe in a tanning salon only as prescribed by a doctor.

12. Peculiarities of thermal complex use

12.1. When buying a visit through the cash register, the Bracelet is provided for temporary use to the Client during the visit. If a subscription is purchased through a fitness club, the bracelet is the property of the Visitor. The visitor is responsible for the safety and integrity of the electronic bracelet, which is worn on the wrist of the hand and presented to the representative of the Administration of the Complex at his request. The transfer of the electronic bracelet to other persons is prohibited.

12.2. The total number of visitors simultaneously in the Thermal Complex is limited. In order to create comfortable conditions and ensure safety when reaching the maximum possible number of visitors, the Administration has the right to temporarily stop access to the Thermal Complex.

12.3. When visiting the Thermal Complex, the Client is advised to have a medical certificate with him (permission to visit the pool). According to paragraph 3.12.2 of SanPin, children of preschool and primary school age must have a certificate of the results of a parasitological examination for enterobiosis when visiting the pool.

12.4. Before the start of the visit to the Thermal Complex, the Client is obliged to leave outerwear (coats, fur coats, cloaks, jackets and street shoes) in the wardrobe. Entrance to the territory of the Thermal Complex is carried out in replaceable shoes.

12.5. After passing through the turnstile, the Client changes clothes in the locker room by gender in a bathing suit (swimming trunks) and puts on shoes on a rubber sole ( flip flops, beach slippers, etc.). Underage visitors under the age of 3 (three) years must be changed into special waterproof diapers. It is forbidden to change and undress outside the premises intended for this purpose.

12.6. In order to ensure personal safety, it is recommended not to use bathing suits with hanging elements, laces, belts, protruding hard or metal objects, lightning, rivets, buckles, metal jewelry, etc.

12.7. It is not recommended to carry jewelry, chains, bracelets, watches, rings, earrings, hair clips (long hair must be removed and fastened with an elastic band). In case of loss/damage of these items, claims are not accepted, the cost is not reimbursed.

12.8. If the paid time is not fully used, no monetary refund will be made. In the event of unforeseen technical problems of individual attractions or components of the Thermal Complex and, as a result, the impossibility of using them, a reduction in the price of staying in the Thermal Complex is not carried out, monetary compensation is not carried out.

12.9. Stay in the Thermal Complex in excess of the time paid at the purchased rate is paid for each minute of excess.

12.10. The payment for visiting the zone of independent mud procedures is the intersection of the turnstile into the zone of independent mud procedures. A credit for the Bracelet is awarded at each intersection of the turnstile at the entrance to the zone of independent mud procedures.

12.11. The Client shall:

12.11.1. Move around the Thermal Complex only in waterproof rubberized replaceable shoes (slippers, shales).

12.11.2. When descending (climbing) along the stairs, hold onto the handrails, carefully look under your feet.

12.11.3. Before and after visiting the water entertainment and thermal relaxation areas, the Client shall take a shower with the use of detergents. In order to avoid injury and cuts in shower rooms, use of detergents in glass containers is not allowed.

12.12. The following is prohibited:

12.12.1. Perform any actions with respect to engineering equipment.

12.12.2. Climb on scenery, balconies, climb pipes and handrails, ride railings, climb steel and other engineering structures.

12.12.3. Push others, run on stairs, drop various objects down, carry other visitors in their hands.

12.12.4. Talk loudly, shout in the thermal relaxation area and places prescribed by information signs.

12.12.5. Interfere with rest for other visitors.

12.12.6. Leave towels and clothes in saunas.

12.12.7. Leave your replacement shoes in such a way that they create obstacles for other visitors and staff.

12.12.8. Pour water or other compositions on electric stones.

13. Final provisions

13.1. In order to ensure public safety and prevent a terrorist threat, the Client is obliged to present to the Administration the contents of personal belongings for visual inspection.

13.2. The Client shall comply with the requirements of the Administration with regard to ensuring safety, maintaining order and cleanliness in the territory.

13.3. The Contractor shall not be liable for vehicles left in the territory adjacent to the Club.

13.4. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage to the Client's property caused by actions/inaction of third parties.

13.5. In order to ensure the safety of visitors, video surveillance is carried out throughout the Club, permissible for video surveillance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Client does not object to video shooting and video surveillance in the Club and in the adjacent territory.

Купить билет

В ближайшее время будет доступна покупка онлайн.
At the moment, it is possible to purchase a ticket only at the box office of the Thermal complex at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 35, building 2.

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